From Conveyor Belt to Craftsmanship: Maturing Requirements ReviewsLet’s look at the activities in requirements engineering that serve as quality gates for the project team to act on requirements, namely…Feb 1Feb 1
7 tips on rebooting yourself for a new career startDisclaimer: The tips below are my friendly considerations for those who are at a crossroads, overwhelmed, anxious but brave and determined…Jun 5, 2023Jun 5, 2023
Product Owner and Product Manager: what’s the difference?I got this question from a recruiter of one Berlin startup where I was interviewed. My answer wasn’t an academic one: my views on that were…Jun 18, 2022Jun 18, 2022
Spare, love, smileI was obviously affected by all that quarantine hype if I started writing this story. Lots of us are talking about this virus these days…Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
Re-engineering: How I Approached an ElephantWhy do developers generally dislike working with legacy software products? Would continuous re-factoring and cleaning up help the…Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
Notes on Starting ThingsI’m on my own in a city I’ve never been before. It’s a perfect day for walking: the weather is cool, buildings look shinier after a quick…Sep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Not A Fan TalkNoope, never been a fan of Tarantino. A funny trend — all IT guys I talked with love his movies and I discovered Q.T. preeeetty late. Last…Aug 17, 2019Aug 17, 2019
To AuthenticityA few weeks ago I completed a course in writing a text for a theater mono-play. It was exciting to meet group-mates of different…Apr 16, 2019Apr 16, 2019